Curriculum @ The Key 


All pupils study English in KS3 and KS4. English teaching is supported by our whole school Disciplinary Literacy initiative which seeks to expand pupils' vocabulary (in response to the findings of Alex Quigley in Closing the Vocabulary Gap, 2018) and our emerging Raising Readers programme which aims to encourage pupils to find enjoyment and confidence in reading (in response to Alex Quigley Closing the Reading Gap, 2020). 

English intervention programmes are utilised to support identified learning needs and learning gaps. 

All pupils are supported to achieve Level 1 and/or Level 2 Functional Skills English qualifications during the course of their time at The Key

KS4 pupils are entered for the English Language GCSE and, where appropriate, the English Literature GCSE. 


All pupils study Maths at KS3 and KS4. Maths teaching is also supported by the use of the online programmes MyMaths and Times Table Rockstars which support pupils to access additional maths content outside of lessons.

Maths intervention programmes are utilised to support identified learning needs and learning gaps. 

All pupils are supported to achieve Level 1 and/or Level 2 Functional Skills Maths qualifications during the course of their time at The Key

KS4 pupils are entered for the Maths GCSE and, where appropriate, some pupils can be entered for the Statistics GCSE.


All pupils study science at KS3 and KS4. As part of our KS3 curriculum, pupils have the opportunity to complete an Entry Level qualification in Science. The aim of this course is to build pupil confidence in their ability to access the science curriculum and aid their transition to KS4. All pupils at KS4 cover the GCSE Single Science Biology Course. Pupils are able to complete a Combined Science course or the Chemistry and Physics courses where appropriate. 


History is taught at both KS3 and KS4 at The Key. Students will be taught a range of topics designed to link the past with the present, and gain an understanding of how historical events shaped today's society and promote British Values. They will have the opportunity to study the history from our local area, which may include visits. 

Students have the opportunity to be entered for a GCSE accreditation where appropriate. 

Life Skills

Life Skills is accessed by all pupils in KS3 and KS4. The Life Skills curriculum includes careers and post-16 education, mental health and sex and relationship education. The curriculum also supports explication teaching of matters related to British Values such as the Rule of Law and democracy alongside exploration of equality and diversity issues and other topics which support pupils' personal development.

Religious Education

At KS3, pupils follow the Hampshire Living Difference syllabus for Religious Studies. Pupils have the opportunity to examine various world religions through a range of media, including film, art and a various texts. Pupils will also look at non-religious ethical views (such as Humanism and Utilitarianism) and evaluate how ethics can provide the answer to moral decisions and influence the law in our country. 

At KS4, pupils are preparing for their GCSE (WJEC Eduqas GCSE Religious Studies - Short Course). They will be learning about a range of real-life issues: life and death, relationships, human rights and will be given time to discuss and debate controversial matters. Also at KS4, pupils study the practices and beliefs of Christianity and Islam, exploring how different denominations of both religions react to the issues of the 21st century.

RE is taught as a specific standalone subject at our Havant site. At our Gosport site it is incorporated into our Humanities curriculum and within certain topics in the History and Life Skills curriculums.

Design and Technology

Design and Technology is taught to pupils at KS3 and KS4 and provides them with the skill to be able to design and create a range of products. 

Pupils in KS4 have the opportunity to achieve an NCFE or GCSE accreditation.


Art is accessed by all pupils in KS3 and KS4. Our Art teacher work closely with Hampshire Cultural Trust's Horizon 20:20 programme which gives our pupils access to a range of practicing artists and experience of working in different mediums. 

Pupils are supported to achieve Arts Awards Accreditations at Bronze, Silver and Gold level. 


Pupils in KS3 and KS4 all have access to weekly catering lessons. The subject seeks to provide pupils with an understanding of food from a range of different cultures, how to cook on a budget and the principles of healthy eating.  These lessons also support pupils basic literacy and numeracy skills alongside their communication skills. 

Pupils have the opportunity to achieve a Level 2 Health and Hygiene accreditation to support future employment.


Humanities is taught to all KS3 pupils on the Gosport site. Many of our pupils missed key learning during their primary school years so our curriculum seeks to respond to learning gaps and support the development of our pupils' cultural capital through exploration of a range of topics linked to history, geography and religious studies. 


Geography is taught to KS4 pupils on the Gosport site. The course follows the Eduqas Geography B specification and the wider teaching seeks to equip our pupils with the skills and knowledge to be able to reflect on the impact of our society on the planet that we inhabit. 


Drama is offered to all pupils on our Havant site. The aim of this subject is to encourage pupils to build their confidence, communication and team work skills alongside exploring and understanding emotions. Pupils develop an understanding of dramatic form, style, structure and genre. They have the opportunity to explore and develop skills and knowledge of dramatic conventions and how these convey meaning to an audience. 


All pupils in KS3 and KS4 participate in PE lessons each week. Our PE curriculum supports pupils to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle, team work and how engaging in physical activity can support self-regulation and mental health.

Pupils in KS4 have the opportunity to achieve a V-Cert accreditation. 


The Psychoeducation curriculum is completed by all pupils and is closely aligned with the Attachment and Trauma Informed (ATIP) work completed by all Key staff members. During every lesson, pupils consider and discuss topics of gratitude and weekly goals for the week, then move onto the main topic for the week. It is developed on a foundation of the way in which behaviour is linked closely to thoughts, feelings and emotions. Over the year, pupils will discuss and learn about brain development and the neuroscience of stressful influences on behaviour, study emotions in detail, develop self-regulation skills and start to refine a clear and positive sense of identity, underpinned by evidence-based Emotion Coping skills based on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy.

Careers and Post-16

Careers Education is predominantly delivered through our Life Skills curriculum. All pupils in KS4 are supported to explore Post-16 options and apply for future destinations alongside one-to-one careers advice. Our Careers and Post-16 provision is underpinned by The Gatsby Benchmarks. 

RSHE Curriculum Intent.pdf


RSHE at The Key covers the statutory requirements of the RSE Curriculum as well as covering a range of content related to pupils' personal development.  Aspects of RSHE are mapped throughout our curriculum but it is also delivered on a weekly basis as part of our tutoring programme.

We are currently working on developing a suite of online resources that will provide pupils and parents/carers with a dedicated site where they can access information relating to our RSHE provision. We hope that this will be up and running in the Spring Term.

We would also encourage pupils and parents/carers to contact our welfare teams for any advice relating to Relationships and Sex Education.

For more information about the content covered in RSHE please see our RSHE curriculum intent document