Careers and Post-16

Careers Education

At The Key, our careers provision is overseen by members of SLT who have strategic responsibility for Careers and Post-16 across our Havant and Gosport sites. 

Our careers team is as follows:

Lucy Webber - Havant - Assistant Head teacher: Pedagogy, Progress and Curriculum with responsibilities for cross-site quality assurance of careers provision

Damon Newton-Goode - Havant - Life Skills Teacher

Gilly Walker - Gosport- Personal Development Teacher

Please contact Lucy Webber if you wish to work with The Key Education Centre around our Careers and Post-16 provision

Careers and Post-16 Site

We have a dedicated Careers and Post-16 micro-site that is kept updated with guidance to support pupils when considering their future careers and Post-16 options!

Intended Destinations

As part of our wider careers curriculum we support pupils in their next destinations. 

All pupils in year 7-11 receive impartial careers advice from advisors from Job Centre Plus (DWP) who visit on a fortnightly basis.

In Years 10 and 11, the team work on supporting pupils to:

Gosport Site

College Applications:

% of pupils who have applied for college - 61%

% intended other e.g. apprenticeship or NXT - 43%

% potential NEET or no application yet - 37%

Havant Site

College Applications:

% of pupils who have applied for college - 58%

% intended other e.g. apprenticeship or NXT - 6%

% potential NEET or no application yet - 29%

All year 11 pupils are referred to Hampshire Futures as part of our work to reduce the number of pupils NEET. The data above is based on the Intended Destinations submission to Hampshire Futures in April 2022. As part of our Transition and Outreach work, our welfare team seek to make contact in the October after they leave school to confirm their destinations and offer additional support if needed. 

Management of Provider Access Requests 

The Key’s arrangements for managing the access of providers of technical education and apprenticeships alongside colleges to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer is as follows: 


A provider wishing to request access should contact Lucy Webber if you wish to work with The Key Education Centre. Alternatively please visit our Contact Us page for further contact details for each of our sites.


Opportunities for access:

Where possible, careers events integrated into the schools careers programme will give providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers. All careers activities will take place during the school day. 


Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature at reception. This will be made available for pupils and parents/carers as appropriate.

These arrangements seek to comply with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997 known as the 'provider access legislation' and the updated 'Provider Access Legislation (PAL)' published in January 2023

The information published above was last reviewed in October 2022 and will be reviewed in October 2023