Parents and Carers

Parent Survey

Our annual Parent Survey is currently live. All parents should have received a school comms inviting them to respond. If you haven't received this, please contact reception to check that we have the correct details for you!

Follow this link for the survey 


Notifications about letters to parents/carers are usually sent through School Comms. They will alert parents/carers to new letters on the website. On some occasions, letters will be sent via post. 

Please ensure you inform us of any changes to your contact details so that we are able to communicate with you successfully. 

Supporting Pupil Attendance

Why attendance matters

It is the legal duty of parents/carers to ensure that their child receives full time education. Good attendance is vital to a child’s progress and achievement. Common sense tells us that absence and lateness to lessons disrupt the continuity of learning and therefore affect progress and, ultimately, success. As there is a direct correlation between attendance and achievement, it is vital that pupils achieve full attendance. 

It is also important to note that short periods of regular absence can be just as damaging to learning as long term absence. 

Being Punctual

Being late for school has a significant impact on pupils' attainment, because of the amount of missed learning it causes. In addition, punctuality is an important life skill that our pupils will be required to have for the world of work. 

All pupils are invited to attend breakfast club from 8:40 each day. Lessons begin at 9:00 am and it is important that they arrive with sufficient time to be in the classroom for a prompt start. 

If pupils arrive after the bell rings at 9:00 they will receive a late mark. Please note that if a pupil arrives after our registers formally close their attendance will be marked as an unauthorised absence.

Reporting a pupil absence due to illness:

If your pupil is unable to attend school due to illness you are required to contact school reception to inform us of their absence on each day that they are unwell. 

Guidance from the NHS about when to send your pupil to school if they are unwell

Is your child too poorly for school?  New advice will help you decide  

It is always a worry when a child becomes unwell, but it is not always obvious how to care for them and whether you should keep them at home. You can now find handy NHS guidance in one place online that will help you identify a possible condition, so you can decide whether to send your child to school.  

On the website is a list of common childhood illnesses and conditions from conjunctivitis to head lice, as well as symptoms such as a high temperature and a sore throat and what these might mean. There is advice about what to do and when a child should return to education after being treated.   


If you are unsure about a child’s wellbeing, please talk to your local pharmacist, call the NHS helpline on 111, or contact your GP.  

The guidance has been created by the County Council, with the NHS and local authority partners through the Healthier Together initiative, which aims to improve the health of children and young people in Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.   

Administration of Medicines and Treatment Consent Form (1).pdf

Supporting pupils to attend school - medication

If your child requires access to any medication to support their access to school, we are unable to administer any medication without a completed consent form. 

Any medication must be provided in its original packaging and be in date.

A copy of the consent form can be downloaded or paper copies can be collected from reception

Authorising Absence

In order for the school to authorise an absence we need to receive information from parents/carers explaining clearly the reason for absence. It is vital, therefore, that parents contact school every time students are absent from school for any reason. 

Each day our welfare team will make calls to parents where no information about absence has been received. 

If no explanation for absence is received the absence will be recorded as unauthorised. Where a pupil has not been in school for a period of time we will conduct a welfare check - which may include a home visit - under our safeguarding duties.

If a pupil is persistently absent from school, the school will always seek to provide support in the first instance but a decision may be made to utilise support from the Attendance Legal Panel if necessary. 

Leave of Absence Requests

All leave of absence requests must be submitted to the Head of school prior to the anticipated date. 

For holiday requests, forms must be submitted to reception and in the case of pupils who are single rolled at The Key (PEX pupils) a decision will be made by the Head of School.

For Dual registered pupils inc EV/Medical placements the form will be shared with the pupils' home school for their decision.

Local Offer

The Local Offer includes information about education, health, social care, preparation for adulthood, leisure services and impartial information advice and support.

Hampshire’s Local Offer (co-produced with parents, carers and young people) aims to help you find your way through the maze of information to reach the best solutions for you and your child.

Mental Health Support Team Newsletters

Newsletter September 2021.pdf
Secondary Newsletter October 2021.pdf
Secondary Newsletter November 2021.docx.pdf
Secondary Newsletter Dec 2021.pdf
Secondary Newsletter Jan 2022.pdf
Newsletter Secondary Feb.pdf
Newsletter Secondary April 2022.pdf
MHST Newsletter - Secondary May_June.pdf