Remote Learning

Remote Learning Provision

The temporary provisions in the Coronavirus Act 2020 expired on 24 March 2022. As a result, the Remote Education (England) Temporary Continuity (No.2) direction no longer has effect.

The Department for Education has released guidance on providing remote education which can be found here.

As a school we are committed to ensuring that the education of all pupils at The Key Education Centre can continue at home, in the event that the whole school or certain pupils are unable to attend because of self-isolation.

In the event of a school closure impacting pupil attendance in school, remote learning will be assigned via the Google Classroom. Information regarding remote learning arrangements will be communicated via School Comms and the school website. Work will be uploaded by 9am on the day of the closure.

Staff will be mindful of the resources available to pupils at home and also ensure that supporting instructions enable pupils to work independently.

Each pupil has been given an individual login and password. Should a pupil have any issues with logging in, please contact us at

KEC policy nonstat Remote Learning MAY2022.pdf

If you are not using a Chromebook, please click this link to be taken to Google Classroom where you will be asked to sign in using your The Key Education Centre login details.

We have a created a website which should help you to understand the basic functions of the G-Suite and how to use some of the resources available to you.

Remote Learning for pupils unable to attend school

In the event that a pupil is unable to attend school, for a limited duration, but are able to continue learning the school will liaise directly with the parents to explore the appropriateness of remote learning. This will be considered on an individual basis.

The priority should always be for pupils to receive high-quality face-to-face education. Remote education should only ever be considered as a short-term measure and as a last resort where in person attendance is not possible.

In instance of significant absence due to medical reasons, a pupil may be eligible for alternative educational provision commissioned by the local authority.